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Military Quick Facts

  • BAH Rate
  • Online BAH
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experience
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Yellow Ribbon

Bethel University

Bethel University is a 4 Year, Private university located at 3900 Bethel Dr, St Paul, MN. Students at Bethel University can enroll in bachelor’s, certificate, master’s, doctoral, certificate degree programs.

Bethel University Military & Veteran Support Programs

Bethel University offers the following veteran and military support programs: 

Is Bethel University a GI Bill®-approved school?

Yes, Bethel University is a GI Bill®-approved school. However, you will need to check with the school to ensure that the GI Bill® covers your preferred degree program.

Is Bethel University a Yellow Ribbon school?

Yes, Bethel University is a Yellow Ribbon school.

Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of its tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by the Yellow Ribbon.

Does Bethel University offer Yellow Ribbon for master’s programs?

Yes, Bethel University offers Yellow Ribbon funding for master's programs.

Eligible students may have up to 100% of its tuition, with zero out-of-pocket costs. You will need to check with the school to ensure that the Yellow Ribbon in fact covers your preferred advanced degree program.

Does Bethel University offer a military discount or reduced tuition rates for military and veterans?

Yes, Bethel University offers a military discount or reduced tuition for military and veterans. You should verify with the university that the rate is below the military tuition assistance cap of $250 per credit hour.

Some schools offer reduced tuition for military and veterans, but the amount may still exceed Tuition Assistance or GI Bill® benefits rate caps.

What are Bethel University's military tuition rates for active military using tuition assistance funding?

Bethel University has not provided its tuition rates for active military.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

What are Bethel University's online tuition rates for active military?

Bethel University has not provided its tuition rates for active military.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

Does Bethel University offer online degree programs?

No, Bethel University does not currently offer online degree programs.

Is Bethel University approved for Tuition Assistance?

Yes, Bethel University is approved for Tuition Assistance.

Eligible students may have up to 100% of its tuition, with zero out-of-pocket costs.

You will need to verify with the school to ensure that Tuition Assistance covers your preferred degree program.

Bethel educates and energizes individuals to grow into whole leaders who own their faith, step into the world with boldness and confidence, and act with integrity as they answer God’s call to do and be more.

With more than 100 academic programs across four college levels—traditional undergraduate, adult undergraduate, graduate, and seminary—we are one of the most comprehensive, interdenominational Christian universities in the nation. Many programs, especially in our adult undergrad, grad school, and seminary, are completed in flexible online learning environments. 

Bethel’s Mission: Boldly informed and motivated by the Christian faith, Bethel University educates and energizes men and women for excellence in leadership, scholarship, and service. We prepare graduates to serve in strategic capacities to renew minds, live out biblical truth, transform culture, and advance the gospel.

Bethel’s Vision: Bethel will be the Christ-centered university of choice for this century.  Rooted in faith. Committed to excellence. Bethel will become the leader in Christian higher education by building stronger communities, equipping confident leaders and gracious servants, and preparing passionate world-changers. Through our thoughts, words, and actions, we’ll demonstrate what it means for a university to be centered on Jesus Christ.

Our Office of Military and Veteran Services (OMVS) provides the one-on-one support to help all military-affiliated students utilize their military benefits, succeed academically, and connect with our community as they grow into world leaders. Along with help navigating military benefits, we are a bridge between military dependents, spouses, veterans, and active-duty service members to the broader Bethel community. 

We help with the transition to college as military-affiliated students and their families navigate their unique needs and challenges of their educational experiences. On campus, OMVS has hosted send-off and welcome-home celebrations for soldiers, held Veterans Day Chapel services, included a color guard at home football games, held student meet and greet gatherings on campus, and facilitated efforts to help staff and faculty learn about the ethos of the military.

And our College of Adult & Professional Studies offers a special military tuition rate of $250 per credit to currently-serving members of the military, which matches the Department of Defense’s Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) for currently-serving military members’ tuition and means you can explore a Bethel education at a very low cost.

Military and Veteran Costs
  • Tuition Cost
    $ 41,270
  • GI Bill Coverage
    - $ 28,937
  • Yellow Ribbon Coverage
    - $ 12,333
  • Student Veteran Cost
    $ 0
  • Tuition Assistance
    - $ 250
  • Military Student Cost
  • This GI Bill coverage is based on full benefits remaining. Any potential costs and coverage should be verified by the university before applying.

Military/Veteran Support

  • BAH - Campus
  • BAH - Online
  • Campus SVA Chapter
  • Full-Time Veteran Counselor On Campus
  • Signed VA Principles Of Excellence
  • Club/Association for Veterans
  • Veteran Upward Bound Program
  • 8 Keys to Veterans' Success
  • Offers ROTC Program
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
Academic Support
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experiences
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Financial Support
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Scholarships for Military
  • Reduced Tuition for Military

    Yellow Ribbon Detail

  • Degree level
  • College of Adult & Professional Studies
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • College of Arts & Sciences; College of Adult & Professional Studies; Graduate School; Seminary
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • All
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Undergraduate
    In State
    Out of State
  • Graduate
    In State
    Out of State
  • Textbooks
  • GI Bill Textbook Coverage
    - $1000
  • Total Cost to Student Veteran
    $ 300
Student Population
  • Student Count
    GI Bill Students
  • Male
  • Female
  • Religious
  • Ethnicity
    No Ethnic Affiliation
  • Gender
    Coed School
School Information
  • College Type
  • Setting
  • Accreditation Type
  • Duration
    4 Year
  • Calendar
  • Online Undergraduate
  • Online Graduate
Average Scores
  • Avg. Accepted
    SAT Math
    SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
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Veteran & Military Support


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The American Legion

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

  • 700 N Pennsylvania St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • (317) 630-1200
College Recon

CollegeRecon is a virtual tool providing an impartial and secure environment for current and former military personnel to connect with over 2,800 colleges and universities from across the country. Just as training was crucial to your military service, education is vital to success as a civilian. Built upon three pillars: Build, Search, and Connect.