University of the Incarnate Word

San Antonio, TX

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Military Quick Facts

  • BAH Rate
  • Online BAH
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experience
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Yellow Ribbon

University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) Military & Veteran Support Programs

The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) is a 4-year, private, non-profit university in San Antonio, Texas. Students can enroll in certificate, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional degree programs.

The University of the Incarnate Word offers the following veteran and military support programs:

Is UIW a GI Bill® approved school?

Yes, UIW is a GI Bill® approved school.  However, you will need to check with the school to ensure that the GI Bill® covers your preferred degree program.

Is the University of the Incarnate Word a Yellow Ribbon school?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word has been a Yellow Ribbon school since 2011.

Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket.  You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by the Yellow Ribbon.

Does UIW have a Student Veterans of America Chapter?

Yes. UIW’s SVA Chapter was founded in 2008 and offers community service, networking opportunities, and social events.  

Does the University of the Incarnate Word offer a Yellow Ribbon for master’s programs?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word offers Yellow Ribbon funding for master’s programs.  

Eligible students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred advanced degree program is covered by the Yellow Ribbon.

Does University of the Incarnate Word offer a military discount or reduced tuition rates for military and veterans?

Yes, University of the Incarnate Word offers a military discount or reduced tuition for military and veterans. 

Students in the School of Professional Studies’ master’s programs receive a reduced tuition rate for active duty and veterans.  Students in the other UIW schools can use veterans benefits and active duty tuition is at cap.

What are the University of the Incarnate Word’s tuition rates for military and veterans?

The University of the Incarnate Word’s tuition rate for active military does not exceed the Tuition Rate assistance cap of $250 per hour, which means that the student may not have out-of-pocket costs.  

For Active-Duty Students: Active-duty students attending the School of Professional Studies using tuition assistance pay $0 (zero dollars) for an undergraduate or graduate-level degree.

Undergraduate level average number of credits for completion: 120 credits

  • Price to active-duty using tuition assistance: $0 (zero dollars)

Graduate level average number of credits for completion: 30 credits

  • Price to active-duty using tuition assistance: $0 (zero dollars)

  • FREE textbooks. SPS will supply your textbooks at no charge to you whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.

  • No academics fees

  • Accelerated 8-week courses with six terms a year

  • Accelerated 4-week Winter courses for completion of prerequisites.

  • No proctored exams for online coursework. All of your work is done online when your class is held in the online format.

While Tuition Assistance covers tuition, the School of Professional Studies is the only UIW school that provides free textbooks. Active-duty students paying with tuition assistance are guaranteed removal of fees and the $250 per credit hour tuition rate. In all other UIW school's undergraduate and graduate programs, a 15% discount on the published UIW Broadway Campus tuition rates is applied to the student’s account, and fees do apply for active-duty students not using tuition assistance.

For Student Veterans - Undergraduate in the School of Professional Studies

Applies to United States Military Veterans, Active-Duty Military Dependents and DoD employees for undergraduate tuition. $375 per credit hour ($1,125 per 3 credit hour course) in the School of Professional Studies.

Veterans Discount - Graduate in the School of Professional Studies

Applies to United States Military Veterans, Active-Duty Military Dependents, and DoD employees for graduate tuition. $525 per credit hour ($1,575 per 3 credit hour course) in the School of Professional Studies.

Tuition rates and discounts for all schools at UIW are available at the UIW Business Office.

What are the University of the Incarnate Word’s online tuition rates for military and veterans?

University of the Incarnate Word’s tuition rate for active military does exceed the Tuition Rate assistance cap of $250 per hour.  This means that the student may not have out-of-pocket costs.    

For Active-Duty Students: Active-duty students attending the School of Professional Studies using tuition assistance pay $0 (zero dollars) for an undergraduate or graduate-level degree.

Undergraduate level average number of credits for completion: 120 credits

  • Price to active-duty using tuition assistance: $0 (zero dollars)

Graduate level average number of credits for completion: 30 credits

  • Price to active-duty using tuition assistance: $0 (zero dollars)

  • FREE textbooks. SPS will supply your textbooks at no charge to you whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.

  • No academics fees

  • Accelerated 8-week courses with six terms a year

  • Accelerated 4-week Winter courses for completion of prerequisites.

  • No proctored exams for online coursework. All of your work is done online when your class is held in the online format.

While Tuition Assistance covers tuition, the School of Professional Studies is the only UIW school that provides free textbooks. Active-duty students paying with tuition assistance are guaranteed removal of fees and the $250 per credit hour tuition rate. In all other UIW schools undergraduate and graduate programs, a 15% discount on the published UIW Broadway Campus tuition rates is applied to the student’s account, and fees do apply for active duty students not using tuition assistance.

For Student Veterans - Undergraduate in the School of Professional Studies

Applies to United States Military Veterans, Active-Duty Military Dependents, and DoD employees for undergraduate tuition. $375 per credit hour ($1,125 per 3 credit hour course) in the School of Professional Studies.

Veterans Discount - Graduate in the School of Professional Studies

Applies to United States Military Veterans, Active-Duty Military Dependents, and DoD employees for graduate tuition. $525 per credit hour ($1,575 per 3 credit hour course) in the School of Professional Studies.

Tuition rates and discounts for all UIW schools are available at the UIW Business Office.

Does the University of the Incarnate Word offer online degree programs?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word offers online degree programs.

Is the University of the Incarnate Word approved for Tuition Assistance?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word is approved for Tuition Assistance.  

Eligible students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket.  You will need to check with the school to ensure that Tuition Assistance covers your preferred degree program.

Does the University of the Incarnate Word offer master’s programs covered by Tuition Assistance?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word has master’s degree programs covered by Tuition Assistance funding.  

Eligible active military students may have up to 100% of their tuition covered, with zero costs out-of-pocket.  You will need to check with the school to ensure that the Yellow Ribbon covers your preferred degree program.

Is the University of the Incarnate Word a military-friendly school?

The University of the Incarnate Word is considered military-friendly. It features a veteran counselor on campus, offers credit for military service, and is a Texas Yellow Ribbon school. In addition, the school is approved for tuition assistance and offers a reduced tuition rate for military personnel.

Is the University of the Incarnate Word a MyCAA school?

Yes, the University of the Incarnate Word is a Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) approved school.

Message from University of the Incarnate Word

University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) in San Antonio, Texas was founded in 1881 by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Today, UIW is a Hispanic-Serving Institution, the largest Catholic university in Texas and the fourth-largest private university in the state. The enrollment reflects the diversity of South Texas, as more than 60 percent of the students are from racial or ethnic minority groups.

UIW offers over 90 undergraduate and graduate fields of study and is accredited to award associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and doctoral/professional degrees by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. UIW is dedicated to the success of military students at all levels.  The online and adult programs provide free textbooks to all undergraduate students and graduate active-duty military.  UIW honors the tuition discount for the adult education and online programs even after benefits are exhausted. The traditional programs are at cap for active-duty military and offer tuition disounts to veterans and active-duty dependents. 

Degree programs are developed to maximize military service while providing a foundation for post-military life.  Many faculty and staff have former military experience and understand the needs of active-duty and veterans.  The UIW Military Veteran Center provides veteran and military students with a lounge and dedicated staff to assist with benefits, your educational journey and a robust Student Veterans Association.  With our main campus in San Antonio, Texas, also known official as Military City, USA, we know the meaning of honoring our service members by action as well as recognition.

Military and Veteran Costs
  • Tuition Cost
    $ 32,286
  • GI Bill Coverage
    - $ 28,937
  • Yellow Ribbon Coverage
    - $ 3,349
  • Student Veteran Cost
    $ 0
  • Tuition Cost-Per-Credit-Hour
    $ 250
  • Tuition Assistance
    - $ 250
  • Military Student Cost
    $ 0
  • This GI Bill coverage is based on full benefits remaining. Any potential costs and coverage should be verified by the university before applying.

Military/Veteran Support

  • BAH - Campus
  • BAH - Online
  • Campus SVA Chapter
  • Full-Time Veteran Counselor On Campus
  • Signed VA Principles Of Excellence
  • Club/Association for Veterans
  • Veteran Upward Bound Program
  • 8 Keys to Veterans' Success
  • Offers ROTC Program
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
Academic Support
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experiences
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Financial Support
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Scholarships for Military
  • Reduced Tuition for Military

    Yellow Ribbon Detail

  • Degree level
  • All
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Undergraduate
    In State
    Out of State
  • Graduate
    In State
    Out of State
  • Cost-Per-Credit Hour - Undergraduate
  • Cost-Per-Credit Hour - Graduate
  • Textbooks
  • GI Bill Textbook Coverage
    - $1000
  • Total Cost to Student Veteran
    $ 400
Student Population
  • Student Count
    GI Bill Students
  • Male
  • Female
  • Religious
    Roman Catholic
  • Ethnicity
    Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
  • Gender
    Coed School
School Information
  • College Type
  • Setting
  • Accreditation Type
  • Duration
    4 Year
  • Calendar
  • Online Undergraduate
  • Online Graduate
Average Scores
  • Avg. Accepted
    SAT Math
    SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
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Jonathan Lovejoy

Senior Director of Military and Veteran Affairs, University of the Incarnate Word

Jonathan Lovejoy completed Navy ROTC at Cornell University and was commissioned an ensign in 1992. After completing 20 years as a Naval Aviator, Jonathan retired from the Navy in March 2012. He spent two years as a branch operations manager at Navy Federal Credit Union before becoming Director of Strategic Initiatives at the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) in October 2013. He quickly expanded UIW military programs and outreach. Jonathan served as Director of Military Affairs and Programs and was the acting Dean of the School of Applied Sciences from January 2017 to June 2018. He is currently the UIW Senior Director of the Military and Veteran Affairs. Jonathan is responsible for UIW’s military, veteran, and Army ROTC programs and the UIW Military and Veteran Center. He is active in several non-profit organizations, including Our Community Salutes (OCS) San Antonio. OCS San Antonio recognizes and honors high school seniors who have enlisted in the United States military.

Message From The School

I am honored to serve the military and veteran population in San Antonio and across the globe. UIW is committed to providing outstanding customer service to our military affiliated students.

The American Legion

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

  • 700 N Pennsylvania St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • (317) 630-1200
College Recon

CollegeRecon is a virtual tool providing an impartial and secure environment for current and former military personnel to connect with over 2,800 colleges and universities from across the country. Just as training was crucial to your military service, education is vital to success as a civilian. Built upon three pillars: Build, Search, and Connect.