Whitworth University

Spokane, WA

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Military Quick Facts

  • BAH Rate
  • Online BAH
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experience
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Yellow Ribbon

Whitworth University

Whitworth University is a 4 Year, Private university located at 300 W Hawthorne Rd, Spokane, WA. Students at Whitworth University can enroll in bachelor’s, certificate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs

Whitworth University Military & Veteran Support Programs

Whitworth University offers the following veteran and military support programs: 

Is Whitworth University a GI Bill®-approved school?

Yes, Whitworth University is a GI Bill®-approved school. However, you will need to check with the school to ensure that the GI Bill® covers your preferred degree program.

Is Whitworth University a Yellow Ribbon school?

Yes, Whitworth University is a Yellow Ribbon school.

Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of its tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by the Yellow Ribbon.

Does Whitworth University offer Yellow Ribbon for master’s programs?

Yes, Whitworth University does offer Yellow Ribbon funding for its master's programs.

Eligible military and veteran students may have up to 100% of tuition covered, with zero tuition costs out-of-pocket. You will need to check with the school to ensure that your preferred degree program is 100% covered by Yellow Ribbon.

Does Whitworth University offer a military discount or reduced tuition rates for military and veterans?

Whitworth offers a military service scholarship for military, veterans and their families, as well as ROTC cadets.

What are Whitworth University's military tuition rates for active military using tuition assistance funding?

Whitworth University provides a military service scholarship and accepts TA and VA education benefits.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

What are Whitworth University's online tuition rates for active military?

Whitworth University provides a military service scholarship and accepts TA and VA education benefits.

We recommend that you contact the school to verify that the courses you wish to pursue do not exceed the $250 rate cap for military tuition assistance.

Does Whitworth University offer online degree programs?

Yes, Whitworth offers online degrees through the School of Continuing Studies, as well as online graduate degrees.

Is Whitworth University approved for Tuition Assistance?

Yes, Whitworth University is approved for Tuition Assistance.

Eligible students may have up to 100% of its tuition, with zero out-of-pocket costs.

You will need to verify with the school to ensure that Tuition Assistance covers your preferred degree program.

Becoming a Whitworth Pirate Means Joining a Family

Whitworth is a caring Christian community ready to support and mentor students from all backgrounds, providing an education of both mind and heart. Whitworth students and alumni are set apart by relationships and bound together through a mutual commitment to ask tough questions and engage diverse perspectives. 

Whitworth provides generous financial aid, including a military service scholarship for veterans and family members, a four-year graduation guarantee, as well as academic coaching and other resources to support students in their career goals. The Military & Veterans Resource Center (MAVRC) has dedicated staff to help military-connected students navigate their benefits. Follow our VA Student Checklist and join the family!

Why Choose Whitworth as a Military-affiliated Student?

Army and Air Force ROTC Programs 

The Army and Air Force ROTC programs are cooperative efforts with other local universities and can be completed alongside any academic major or program. Participate in classroom instruction, leadership labs and exercises to develop key skills and knowledge. Above all, have fun, build a close community and become a leader equipped to serve others. 

A photo of the Whitworth military center entrance.
The Whitworth Military and Veterans Resource Center entrance.
Whitworth students gathering at the campus military center.
Whitworth students gathering at the campus military center.

Military and Veteran Costs
  • Tuition Cost
    $ 51,500
  • GI Bill Coverage
    - $ 28,937
  • Yellow Ribbon Coverage
    - $ 22,563
  • Student Veteran Cost
    $ 0
  • Tuition Assistance
    - $ 250
  • Military Student Cost
  • This GI Bill coverage is based on full benefits remaining. Any potential costs and coverage should be verified by the university before applying.

Military/Veteran Support

  • BAH - Campus
  • BAH - Online
  • Campus SVA Chapter
  • Full-Time Veteran Counselor On Campus
  • Signed VA Principles Of Excellence
  • Club/Association for Veterans
  • Veteran Upward Bound Program
  • 8 Keys to Veterans' Success
  • Offers ROTC Program
  • GI Bill Approved Programs
Academic Support
  • Offers College Credit for Military Experiences
  • Awards Credit for CLEP Exam
  • Awards Credit for DSST Exam
Financial Support
  • Approved for Tuition Assistance
  • Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Scholarships for Military
  • Reduced Tuition for Military

    Yellow Ribbon Detail

  • Degree level
  • Undergraduate
  • Amount
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • Graduate Students
  • Amount
    No Cap
  • Number
  • Degree level
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Amount
    No Cap
  • Number
  • Undergraduate
    In State
    Out of State
  • Cost-Per-Credit
    In State
    Out of State
  • Cost-Per-Credit Hour - Undergraduate
  • Textbooks
  • GI Bill Textbook Coverage
    - $1000
  • Total Cost to Student Veteran
    $ 0
Student Population
  • Student Count
    GI Bill Students
  • Male
  • Female
  • Religious
  • Ethnicity
    No Ethnic Affiliation
  • Gender
    Coed School
School Information
  • College Type
  • Setting
  • Accreditation Type
  • Duration
    4 Year
  • Calendar
  • Online Undergraduate
  • Online Graduate
Average Scores
  • Avg. Accepted
Did you attend Whitworth University?

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Admission Process & Experience


Academic Support


Veteran & Military Support


Would you Recommend?

Phil Labrie

Associate Director, Military & Veterans Outreach

I am an Air Force veteran and loved my time in the service. I grew up in Manchester N.H., and I currently live in Spokane WA, with my wife and two daughters. I've been married since 2003. My one daughter is a competitive figure skater and the other rides horses. Most weekends from April until October you will likely find me at our spot on the Pend Oreille River. I love playing most board, card, or outdoor lawn games. I enjoy skiing in the winter and playing golf in the summer. I recently got into climbing mountains and riding motorcycles. So far I've climbed Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens, hoping to get to the top of many more Cascade Mountains while my knees still work. I earned my BA in accounting at Whitworth University in 2011 while utilizing the GI Bill.

Message From The School

My role at Whitworth is to be a resource for all of our military-connected students; because you, your parent, or your spouse served makes you part of my circle. No matter what reason, I hope you know I’m here to serve you and answer any of your questions. For any veteran getting back into school after being out for so long, I can relate because I did the same thing and would love to chat with you about it. I hope you will visit me at the Military & Veterans Resource Center (MAVRC), a 3,000-square-foot house on the west end of campus. MAVRC is open to our military members, veterans, ROTC cadets and dependents. It currently includes a computer lab, kitchen, relaxation space and game room, with more updates planned for the future!

The American Legion

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

  • 700 N Pennsylvania St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • (317) 630-1200
  • www.legion.org
College Recon

CollegeRecon is a virtual tool providing an impartial and secure environment for current and former military personnel to connect with over 2,800 colleges and universities from across the country. Just as training was crucial to your military service, education is vital to success as a civilian. Built upon three pillars: Build, Search, and Connect.